
Half-Year Sales

Half-Year badge sales commence on July 1st. Half-Year sales can only occur with new club members. A “new club member” is defined as someone who has never been an AGC badge holder.

Family Range Badge

Family member badges may be issued to bona fide family members. Only immediate family members of an individual range badge holder can acquire this badge type. Immediate family members of the individual badge holder include the spouse and children under the age of 23 still living at home. All range badges are assigned to an individual by name and are to be used by that person exclusively.

Badge Expiration Date

A range badge gives full use of the AGC Range from the date of purchase until its expiration on December 31st of each year. A 30 day grace period is given to still use the range and renew by January 31st of the next year.

You must bring the following documentation to the AGC Range to receive your new badge or annual sticker:

• Government issued photo ID
• Affiliated Club Membership Card that shows year of membership matching new badge year
• AGC Range Safety Orientation Affidavit (signed by the person giving the orientation)
• Receipt printed from our web store as your proof of purchase, if pre-purchased online

To purchase a new range badge, you must see AGC office staff during scheduled range badge sales hours which are normally M-F 10am – 2:30pm and Sunday 9am – 3pm. The schedule is also published on the AGC calendar.